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24.Juli 2018 um 17:30 UhrLainzerstraße 6, 1130 Wien
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Was unsere Patienten sagen

Wunschbaby Podcast: Kinderwunsch gleichgeschlechtlicher Paare

In Österreich ist es seit 2015 für gleichgeschlechtliche Paare möglich, mittels Samenspende und IVF Kinder zu bekommen. Mag. Julia Ecker im Gespräch mit Priv. Doz. DDr. Michael Feichtinger über die Details zu diesem Thema.

Kinderwunsch: Blutung in der Frühschwangerschaft

Welche Ursachen dahinter stecken können, wie häufig es vorkommt und was sonst noch wichtig ist, erfahren Sie in dieser Podcast-Episode mit Dr. Nazira Pitsinis und Christian Wallner.

Kinderwunsch & Eizellspende

Das Kinderwunschpaar kann sich dabei über das Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger auf Eizellbanken eine passende Eizellspenderin suchen, aber auch eine eigene Spenderin bringen. Den genauen Ablauf bei der Auswahl sowie der anschließenden Kinderwunschbehandlung bis zur erfolgreichen Schwangerschaft erklären Dr. Nazira Pitsinis und Christian Wallner in dieser Wunschbaby Podcast Episode.

Was ist PICSI und wie hilft es?

Damit scheinen  sich Spermien mit höherer Qualität für die nachfolgende ICSI zu finden.Die Köpfe reifer Spermien tragen einen bestimmten Sensor (Rezeptor) für Hyaluronsäure (Hyaluron). Hyaluron ist eine wesentliche Komponente der Hülle, welche die Eizelle umgibt. Unreife Spermien verfügen nicht über diesen Rezeptor. So können im Labor mittels PICSI und unter dem Mikroskop einzelne reife Spermien anhand des Erscheinungsbildes für die nachfolgende ICSI ausgewählt werden.  Studien zufolge sind diese gebundenen Spermien zu einem sehr hohen Prozentsatz frei von DNA-Schäden. Damit scheint die Methode höhere Befruchtungsraten nach sich zu ziehen.Mehr dazu in folgendem Video:

Meine Behandlung

Sehr freundliches, aufmerksames und kompetentes Personal, Dr. Feichtinger nimmt sich genug Zeit für alle Fragen und Beratung. Mit Termin ist man schnell dran.

Lesen Sie mehr
Kinderwunsch - Vom Wunsch zum Baby

Udo (37) and Veronika (39)

It’s been almost seven years since we decided that we wanted to have children. We didn’t expect that it would work on the first try, otherwise Veronika would have been pregnant already. However, after three to six months, we thought that we should have been successful. After two years of unsuccessful “attempts”, Veronika turned to her trusted gynecologist to identify potential causes.

The irregular menstrual bleedings, which sometimes would come weeks late, did several things for us: on the one hand, raised hope that a baby was already developing, and on the other hand, led to increased menstrual pains. So, when the gynecologist said that we should try for at least another year, that what we were going through was normal, we found it very hard to believe.

Another childless year passed, accompanied by my wife’s self-reproaches until Veronika’s gynecologist recognized the need to act. He prescribed hormones to stabilize her cycle and ordered a semen analysis – and everything appeared fine. After many months of unsuccessful attempts at pregnancy, Veronika was finally diagnosed with endometriosis during laparoscopy: a not-so-harmless procedure that revealed that both of her fallopian tubes were closed.

This was followed by a period of helplessness, despair, thoughts of separating and ultimately hopelessness. There were talks of adoption, which was not an ideal alternative for us, and finally, we came across artificial reproduction. There was always this feeling that our child would be artificial, as if it wasn’t our child. This drove us to feel isolated. We felt that we couldn’t discuss the topic with anyone... Until good friends of ours told us that their twin daughters Anja and Carla were not conceived naturally. And just like to so many other couples in their circle of friends that also couldn’t conceive otherwise, they found the process to be quite natural. They gave us the tip to visit the free informational evening at Prof. Feichtinger’s Wunschbaby Institute.

Sebastian, born on March 26th.

I was very satisfied with the treatment. The team is always striving to do their best. The waits are short. We felt very well taken care of.

Relaxing Atmosphere: An Institute with a relaxing atmosphere, very friendly, compassionate care. Highly recommend.

I would highly recommend this Institute to everyone: you don’t feel like a patient, all the employees are engaged and are excited for you. It’s a great feeling to receive so much support.

My doctor provided excellent guidance from our first meeting until successful pregnancy. I was able to call her at all hours of the day, and if I couldn’t reach her per phone, then I could always send her an E-mail.

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger Vienna

Unser Institut in Wien erreichen Sie unter
01 877 77 75

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger Baden

Unser Institut in Baden erreichen Sie unter
02252 206857