PCOS Syndrome

PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is the leading hormonal dysfunction in young women, affecting between 5-25% of all women.

Women typically report irregular, infrequent periods, an increase in body hair, and an increase in skin blemishes. However, not all symptoms may be present at one time. Enlarged, “polycystic” ovaries are typically visible on ultrasound.

Reduced menstrual bleeding is due to due delayed or more difficult egg cell maturation. This lengthens the time needed to produce a mature oocyte, which in turn extends the length of the menstrual cycle. All of this complicates the chance of getting pregnant, as ovulation is less frequent.

Lifestyle and nutrition are closely linked to PCOS. For example, women with increased body weight are more frequently affected by PCOS, and a change in lifestyle can have a positive influence on PCOS in women who are overweight. The first step in fertility treatment for women with PCOS is supporting the maturation of the egg cell, and therefore increasing the chance of spontaneous conception.

This can be achieved in one of two ways: either with medications such as Metformin or Inositol, or through mild stimulation using tablets or FSH. Should other factors also contribute to the cause of infertility, such as an inadequate sperm analysis result from the male partner or due to obstructed fallopian tubes, then artificial reproductive methods may be necessary. At the Wunschbaby Institute Feichtinger, specially developed hormones treatments are used to stimulate oocytes in women with PCOS.

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Katja Strnad
Administration & Empfang

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger

Ulrike Weißenborn
Administration & Empfang

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger


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Katja Strnad
Administration & Reception

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger

Ulrike Weißenborn
Administration & Reception

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger


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I was very satisfied with the treatment. The team is always striving to do their best. The waits are short. We felt very well taken care of.

Relaxing Atmosphere: An Institute with a relaxing atmosphere, very friendly, compassionate care. Highly recommend.

I would highly recommend this Institute to everyone: you don’t feel like a patient, all the employees are engaged and are excited for you. It’s a great feeling to receive so much support.

My doctor provided excellent guidance from our first meeting until successful pregnancy. I was able to call her at all hours of the day, and if I couldn’t reach her per phone, then I could always send her an E-mail.

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01 877 77 75

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02252 206857