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24.Juli 2018 um 17:30 UhrLainzerstraße 6, 1130 Wien
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Was unsere Patienten sagen

Liebes Wunschbaby – Team!

Unser zweites Wunscbaby M. ist da- wieder ohne fremde Hilfe! Trotzdem waren wir immer für die gute Betreuung dankbar! Liebe Grüße aus Graz, Familie G.

Liebes Wunschbaby Team

Wir bedanken uns herzlichst für die Erfüllung unseres sehnlichsten Wunsches. Liebe Grüße Fam D.

Einstieg in die Kinderwunsch Behandlung

Dabei wird unter anderem ein Hormonstatus erhoben um Eierstock- und Schilddrüsenfunktion abzuklären, sowie ein Spermiogramm durchgeführt. Welche weiteren Untersuchungen durchgeführt werden können und welche Behandlungsoptionen sich daraus ergeben, erfahren Sie in dieser Podcast Episode mit Priv. Doz. DDr. Michael Feichtinger und Mag. Julia Ecker.

Liebes Team

Wir möchten Ihnen allen hiermit die freudige Nachricht senden, dass unser Kinderwunsch Dank Ihnen in Erfüllung gegangen ist. Noch einmal vielen lieben Dank. Ihre Familie B.

Hurra jetzt bin ich endlich da!

Bin ja noch so klein, aber so froh auf der Welt zu sein. Dank Ihrer Hilfe hat es meine Mama nach langem geschafft und mich ganz gesund auf die Welt gebracht. Dafür möchten wir uns herzlichst bedanken und sie bleiben für immer in unseren Gedanken. Familie T.

Lesen Sie mehr
Kinderwunsch - Vom Wunsch zum Baby


IVF funds

The IVF Fund Act, which entered into force on January 1st, 2000, established an IVF Fund at the Federal Ministry for Social Security and Generations. Under certain conditions, this fund bears 70% of the costs for four IVF or ICSI treatments. The affected couple only has to pay a deductible amounting to the remaining 30% for medication and treatment costs.

Costs for IVF and ICSI trials

Per the collective agreements, the rates currently include the cost of medications for treatment as part of an IVF (in vitro fertilization) or ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) trial:

TreatmentAge GroupCosts30%-Portion
IVFWomen under 35 years of age€ 2.717,28€ 815,18
ICSIWomen under 35 years of age€ 3.008,46€ 902,53
IVFWomen ages 35 – 40€ 2.899,96€ 869,98
ICSIWomen ages 35 – 40€ 3.191,14€ 957,34

These amounts are listed without taxes and may increase following the relevant tax provisions.

The rates include all consultations, ultrasounds, examinations, lab tests, psychological or psychotherapeutic care, medical devices as well as the actual treatment- and post-treatment measures until the occurrence or non-occurrence of pregnancy is established.

First appointment

The journey to fulfilling your desire for children begins with a thorough first appointment, which usually takes an hour. First, we’ll get acquainted with one another and then we’ll get to the heart of the matter: we’ll discuss your personal wishes and concerns.

Furthermore, this appointment also includes:

  • Detailed, thorough patient history
  • Assessment of your situation
  • Consultation
  • Initiation of all preliminary examinations
  • Creating a therapy plan
  • Gynecological examination and ultrasound

The cost for the first appointment amounts to 150.00 Euros

Conditions for the use of IVF-Funds

The following conditions must be met for the IVF-Fund to be able to cover the costs:

Medically proven indication

  • Tube-related sterility: Fallopian tubes obstructed/closed on both sides, removed, or non-functional (NOT INCLUDED: ligation of fallopian tubes)
  • PCOS
  • Endometriosis

These diagnoses must be documented by a specialist using imaging procedures (ultrasound images/X-rays), or through an operative report.

  • Limited Fertility in Men: indicated by two sperm analyses at least 1-2 months apart, but no older than two years in total.

Other Conditions

  • At the start of treatment, the female patient cannot be over 40 years of age and the male patient cannot be over 50 years of age.
  • Austrian citizens or EU citizens (written proof of health insurance) or
  • Persons who are not Austrian citizens or citizens of an EU or EEA member
    state or not citizens of the Swiss Confederation must both hold an unlimited residence permit ("Permanent Residence - EG") and ("Permanent Residence - Family Member") issued by an Austrian authority.
  • Couples in a marriage or cohabitation similar to marriage are entitled to receive IVF-Funds (notarial deed required).
  • The right to receive funds for a maximum of four attempts per couple. If one of these attempts has been successfully completed and a pregnancy (positive heart action in the 8th SSW on ultrasound or fallopian tube pregnancy) has been achieved, there is a right to receive funding for four further attempts as of this attempt.
  • The same applies if the pregnancy was induced by an unfunded attempt if the couple proves that the pregnancy was induced by an IVF method.

Further information and specifics:

Each trial will be individually registered and completed by the WIF staff. Age limits, as well as other criteria, must be checked and approved before each trial.

Ihr Weg zum Wunschbaby beginnt hier:
Jetzt Kinderwunsch im Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger erfüllen!

Wir nehmen uns gerne für Sie Zeit und begleiten Sie am Weg zu Ihrem erfüllten Kinderwunsch.

Senden Sie uns über dieses Formular Ihre Terminanfrage für Ihre Kinderwunsch Erstberatung sowie Ihre Fragen rund um Ihren Kinderwunsch.

In der Erstberatung nehmen wir uns eine volle Stunde für Sie Zeit. Wenn Sie zuvor ein kurzes Kennenlernen und die wichtigsten Tipps und Infos zu Ihrem Kinderwunsch erfahren wollen, können Sie uns gerne beim kostenlosen Orientierungsabend besuchen.

1. Wählen Sie Ihr Wunschinstitut

Katja Strnad
Administration & Empfang

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger

Ulrike Kaindl
Administration & Empfang

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger


2. Wählen Sie Ihr Wunschdatum & -zeit


3. Ihre Kontaktdaten

Bitte beachten Sie, dass Ihr Termin erst dann fixiert ist, wenn dieser von uns bestätigt wurde. Sie erhalten innerhalb eines Werktags unsere Benachrichtigung!

The path to receiving your dream child starts here!

We’ll take the rest of the journey together.

1. Choose your preferred Institute:

Katja Strnad
Administration & Reception

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger

Ulrike Kaindl
Administration & Reception

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger


2. Enter your contact information

I was very satisfied with the treatment. The team is always striving to do their best. The waits are short. We felt very well taken care of.

Relaxing Atmosphere: An Institute with a relaxing atmosphere, very friendly, compassionate care. Highly recommend.

I would highly recommend this Institute to everyone: you don’t feel like a patient, all the employees are engaged and are excited for you. It’s a great feeling to receive so much support.

My doctor provided excellent guidance from our first meeting until successful pregnancy. I was able to call her at all hours of the day, and if I couldn’t reach her per phone, then I could always send her an E-mail.

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger Vienna

Unser Institut in Wien erreichen Sie unter
01 877 77 75

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger Baden

Unser Institut in Baden erreichen Sie unter
02252 206857